Embroidery is the art of decorating fabrics using a yarn and a needle. Pearls, beads, quills, sequins, and metal strips are some of the common materials that are stitched on the fabric.
Here are two tips from professional Perth embroiderers on how to maintain a embroidery machine.
Clean and Oil More Often
Cleaning and oiling are two most essential maintenance that should be done on the machine to reduce friction and increase its efficiency. It should be oiled daily or after every eight hours of running. Cleaning will help to get rid of dust and other forms of debris such as little pieces of thread that get stuck inside the trimmers.
Check the Needles
The needle is the most important part of the machine. Its primary role is to pierce the fabric and carry the thread through to make a stitch. A rough spot or burr on the needle can cause the thread to break. It is recommended to replace the needles more often to foster the overall performance of the machine.
Finally, make sure that you store the machine in a cool, dry, and ventilated area to prevent rusting.