For a long time, you lived in an area that was not served by any major carrier. That meant you had to limp along with a dial-up Internet connection. While that worked okay for email, it did mean missing out on a lot of good stuff. Here’s what you can expect now that a highspeed Internet connection is available.
You won’t believe how fast your email client works now. It takes no time for all the messages to download, even when there are attachments. Sending emails will be just as fast. That comes in handy when you want to send pictures or scanned documents to your loved ones.
You can also now enjoy streaming movies, television shows, and all sorts of videos. Before, the constant buffering made it impossible to enjoy anything. Think of how great it will be to kick back and binge watch some of your favorite shows on weekends.
That’s just the beginning. Once you get used to the speedy connection, it will take no time to figure out more ways to put that speed to good use.